We left Stevenson in
the morning and continued East. When we
got to the Hood River we were able to look up the valley for a spectacular view
of Mt Hood. We docked at The Dalles,
Lewis and Clark camped here in 1806 and a town
was founded here just a few years later.
There is a fairly wide valley floor here and the guides said the local
Native American tribes used to use this area for an annual fall meeting
place. They had fishing platforms and
would collect and dry fish for their winter camps. They also made carvings and petroglyphs on
the rocks. When the Dalles Dam was
constructed, it flooded the valley covering everything including their burial
grounds in water. There was a group of
volunteers that met us at the dock, all dressed up old timey. The women call themselves the Fort Dalles
Floozies and the men were dressed up like a sheriff and some deputies. There was also a lady with a 3 year old gyspy
horse and a carriage to take people into town.
She had bags of little pieces of bread that you could feed the horse,
Max, for a donation. He was very sweet.
We got on the bus to
go to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center.
The ladies that drive the bus are hired to accompany the trip and as we
motor down the river, they drive to the next port to meet us. On the way we passed by a minimum security prison, our guide says because there are so many wildfires, the inmates are trained to fight fires. At the Discovery Center we went into a small
auditorium and the ranger brought out a hawk, a kestrel and a great horned
owl. She held each one with one of those
big leather gloves and talked about it, then put it on a perch and brought out
the next one. These birds are here
because they have been found injured and can not be rehabed and returned to the
wild. The ranger talked to each one like
I talk to my kitties, the owl was grumpy and she just cooed at him. She brushed up his fathers so we could see
his horns and he gave her the dirtiest look.
She told all about the different birds, the most surprising thing was
how little they weigh. Maybe because
their bones are hollow and they are fluffly from feathers but she said the male
great horned owl weighs only around 2 pounds and the female is about 4 pounds. We walked around the Center a little bit
more, some old dug out canoes and other artifacts. Then we went outside to the Golden Eagle
enclosure. She opened a gate so we could
see them. They were so majestic. There is a male and a female and again, both
have injuries that prevent them from surviving in the wild. Sad, but occasionally the female lays eggs
and they have to destroy them because the parents can't teach them to fly or
hunt, so the young could not survive. We
wondered about another bird fostering them but evidently, the eagles won't
accept someone else's eggs or young. Too
bad. There were some interesting plants
there as well.
The river gorge is
so interesting. The terrain changes from
high bluffs that are as barren as can be to bottom land with apple
orchards. We've seen vinyards up on the
hills. But all along at the top of the ridges has been lines and lines of wind
turbines. The grren electricity is
wonderful but the ranger told us that 30,000 raptors will be killed by the
turbine blades this year. They are
developing technology for internal turbines, rather than the big exposed
blades, that will be safer for the birds but I doubt the exsisting ones will be
retrofitted anytime soon.
Yesterday the
captain let us go up into the wheelhouse for a look see. He had computer screens that showed exactly
where we were on the river and depths and such.
He explained about the different engines and the propellers, some of
which I understood. The paddlewheel is
functional but is so inefficient compared to the engines that it's mostly for
Most of the people
on board are very nice. With open
seating we've met a lot of different people and it's been interesting. Today at breakfast a lady traveling with her
sister, who lives outside Boston, looked at the dinner menu and had to request
something special. The choice was beef
or pork and she told us she was bitten by a Lone Star tick, the enzyme from its
saliva created an anti body in her and she can not eat any mammalian flesh.
There is a family on
board, grandpa and I think his girlfriend, his two daughters and their
families. The one daughter has husband,
her own grown daughter and son in law.
The other sister has 2 boys, one about teen age and the other
younger. I call them the Funsters. I've been in the Paddlewheel lounge after
dinner a lot so I can use the wifi to blog.
They've been coming in and playing games and having the best time. They really like Jenga. The one sister started apologizing for being
rowdy until I joined in a little bit and they realized they weren't bothering
me. So sweet to see them finish a game
and go to their cabins, they all kiss grandad and tell each other I love you.
Of course there are
some holier than thou types, but it's not too hard to figure out who they are
and steer clear. I really feel sorry for
people who are so angry and tied up inside that they can't relax, go with the
flow and enjoy. They fuss about some
little thing wrong with the food or that the service is slow or the boat isn't
just so. I think this is the oldest boat
in the American Cruise Line fleet, they've refurbished it but it's getting a
little frayed around the edges. The
captain says they are going to bring a ship from the Missippi up to run the
Columbia and I think they will retire this one.
Still, things are pretty nice.
Our room is small but adequate, we are among the few that don't have a
balcony but there are all sorts of places to go if we want to be outside and my
Mom complains about the wind so much I doubt she's use it. It gets windy in the gorge. We had beauty parlor this morning, my Mom
took a shower and washed her hair. I
helped her blow it dry, luckily she has a good permanent and I was able to curl
it around a brush and shape it. That's
about the extent of my hair skills.
We are going to dock
at Richland this afternoon. It looks
like Richland sits between the Columbia and Yakima Rivers. My friend, Mary Langley, has lived in
Ellensburg, WA for many years. It's
about 2 hours from Richland and she's coming to meet the boat so we can visit
. I am very excited to see her.
Did I say earlier
that I like this Dell 2 in ?? It was
fine until Windows 10 creeped in one night.
Now I have to learn all over again how to get my pictures on and put
captions on them. Technology is not my
friend. Give me a needle and thread any
day. I noticed the cuff of my pj's was
coming loose and got out my little sewing kit.
We were docked at Umatilla with the sun shining in our windows. I sat propped up on the bed mending my pj's
and was as happy as a clam.
Because we were down
in the gorge we didn't have any wifi service so I have typed on OneNote. The instructions say it saves automatically,
so I hope for the best.
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