With the help of a nice young man I figured out how to get some pictures on here and to add some captions. Now I'm trying to figure out how to add individually instead of in a clump.
We started moving at 11PM last night and docked at Stevenson just after 11. The landscape changed considerably overnight, from flat shorelines with people fishing to being more in a gorge with hills on the shoreline. We went through a lock at Bonneville Dam. After breakfast I got on the bus to Multnomah Falls, Mom stayed on the boat. We went by an old railroad tressel with an osprey nest on it. Our guide says there have been birds in it the past 4 years and this year there are 3 fledglings in the nest. We went over the Bridge of the Gods and past a trailhead for the Pacific Coast Trail. The guide was saying that because of the drought, the waters inland are too warm for the fish hatchlings and so the hatcheries in this area are trucking the hatchlings downstream toward the Pacific to find cooler water in which to release them so more survive. The falls is a big tourist attraction right off the main road and there were lots of people there. It was pretty impressive, even though our guide says there is only about 40% of the usual amount of water falling due to the drought. When I got there and took a picture, my camera said no memory left. I tried to go in and delete some junk but could only find 6 or8 pictures. Then it dawned on me, I left my memory card in the damn laptop trying to transfer pictures. Luckily the gift shop had a card for sale that fit my camera.

Really dry grass |
The wind comes through this river gorge and can really blow at times. We are docked right by a small city park that the wind surfers hang out in. They were all over the water, so cool looking. Later I saw a couple guys using parasail type kites to propel them on boards. One of the crew said he has seen them jump the waves when the wind is really strong.
After lunch I went into town, it's small but has some restaurants, a grocery, and a Laundromat. I washed some clothes then went for a massage. It was lovely. Got back to the room, Mom had not gone on the afternoon tour despite my urging. I think she's okay by herself on the boat but getting off the boat and onto a bus, etc by herself is too intimidating. I decided to have a little lie down and slept a while but started hearing the wheels of her carry on banging and drawers going in and out. I thought she was moving all her stuff around to make it even harder for her to find. I woke up and she was in a tizzy. She couldn't find the little case that holds her jewelry. She was convinced that she had had it out when the cleaner came in the room and that the cleaner had come back later and taken it. So I asked her where it was supposed to be, in her carry on, of course. So I opened it up and there was the case. She's just waiting and hoping for something to happen. At lunch, the lady next to her had asked for her salad dressing on the side. When the plates came, she started fussing because she hadn't gotten any dressing. I tried to explain it was on her salad but she didn't want to listen. Then she started complaining about not getting clean towels. She swears she didn't hear then say that if you want clean towels you put the dirty ones on the floor. Soooo we had to call housekeeping for all clean towels. We have complimentary drinks and snacks at 5:30 every night. Beer and wine is complimentary with lunch and dinner. There's a bottle of red and one of white on the table every night but she was fussing because the servers didn't bring wine. She thought the bottles on the table were for special people who had ordered them. I wonder sometimes what's going on in her brain.

Sail boarders |
Queen of the West |
The Park |
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