Tuesday: We had an early start to get back on the bus from Kantishna, but it's so light at all hours of the day you can't really tell if it's early or late. Very strange. The ride back took less time as we didn't make as many stops but we did stop to take animal photos. 2 bears, what looked like a mama and about a 2 year old decided to come right up on the road to see us. WOW!!! We also got a close up look at a red fox. Our driver explained that the mama bear keeps the cubs close til their 3rd year as the male bears will kill the cubs if given the opportunity. For one, the mama won't mate if she has cubs with her and B, the male's instinct is to reduce any future competition for food or mates. Also, he told us the fox we saw was probably and male as the female stays in her den with their cubs and he hunts and brings food back to them.
We went back to the train station and back to one of the domed cars for the ride to Anchorage. The train is pretty comfortable with a bar in every car, pretty good food (reindeer sausage chili in a sourdough bread bowl) and a "host" who narrates as you go along and answers questions. We got into Anchorage about 8 PM and cruise west picked us right up and brought us to the Sheraton. Very nice room, the big screen TV seemed strange after Kantishna, but at least there is WiFi so I can catch up on our adventures. Pretty shortly here we'll go to the airport for our flight to Juneau. One night is a hotel there then the next morning we board our boat. The folks on the tour with us are a mixed bag as always but for the most part we are getting along with everyone. Jim has been wearing his fishing hat or t-shirts so that always gets a conversation going and Robin is almost as shy as I am. Also it's nice for a change to travel where you can drink the tap water and everybody speaks English.
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